Some common problems we found...


Owners had to travel having no one to keep an eye on their property therefore leaving it unattended and spending their time away worrying about its safety


Owners returning home and having to sort out minor repairs before they could relax and enjoy being back home.


Owners away for a substantial amount of time coming back to properties that were left to deteriorate with no major inspections being carried out during their absence.


Owners doing building projects would often not be updated properly with progress – as builders after all have the speciality of building, not communicating.

Colleen Lewis is our Principle Property Manager and has over 25 years experience in Housing and Estate Management which includes tenancy management, rent collection, evictions and attending court for breach of tenancies.

Having lived on the island, having parental origins from the island, and regularly travelling back and forth from Antigua puts Colleen in a unique position to recognise the need for this type of management service.

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Your property couldn't be in better hands ↗︎